Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just Lip Service

The much overrated BRP Gregorio del Pilar
“Our message to the world is clear: what is ours is ours. Setting foot on Recto Bank is no different from setting foot on Recto Avenue.”

Thus, PeNoy Aquino declared in his 2011 State of the Nation Address (SONA). He even announced that while he was making the speech, an American cutter which would become the much overrated BRP Gregorio del Pilar was sailing on its way to Manila from Hawaii.

It could not have been PeNoy's sense of nationalism that prompted him to include this in his SONA. After all, PeNoy came from a family of traitors. There's his lelang Ysidra who appropriated for herself and her family the funds of the Philippine revolutionary forces. His lolo and namesake was a Japanese collaborator who was convicted of treason. And of course, Aling Coring who sold out to the Yankees and campaigned for the retention of the US military bases in the country.

Mama's boy PeNoy it appears, is no different from his mother. Fact is, he has made a fact with Uncle Sam and agreed to be his pawn in the war games with China. Of course, PeNoy knew that he is endangering the country and millions of Filipino lives with this dangerous liaison, but what does he care? All that matters to him is to remain in office to protect the interest of his family.

This is why aside from Noynoying and persecuting PGMA and CJ Corona, PeNoy has been in the business of taking cheap shots at and provoking China.

Alas, a situation finally presented itself. A group of Chinese fishermen took refuge in Scarborough Shoal. The refurbished cutter, BRP Gregorio del Pilar was dispatched to apprehend the Chinese "incursion." A couple of Chinese maritime vessels came to the rescue of the fishermen.

What follows is the dissipation of PeNoy's SONA rhetoric. DFA invited the Chinese ambassador to a meeting to "peacefully resolve" the stand-off.

DFA even tried to downplay the situation when it reported in its website that:

In the morning of 10 April 2012, Tuesday, BRP GREGORIO DEL PILAR, in accordance with the established Rules of Engagement, dispatched a boarding team to inspect the fishing vessels and collect photos and other evidence of their catch. The inspection team reported that large amounts of illegally collected corals, giant clams and live sharks were found inside the compartments of the first fishing vessel that was boarded by the PN team.

The much overrated refurbished BRP Gregorio del Pilar, in most latest report, was pulled out from the scene. DZMM website reported:

Sa gitna ng tensyon sa pagitan ng Pilipinas at China, inalis na ng Philippine Navy ang warship na Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas (BRP) Gregorio del Pilar sa Scarborough Shoal samantalang nagdagdag naman ng isa pang barko ang China roon.

The current Philippines-China stand off at the mouth of Scarborough Shoal proved that PeNoy's SONA was just lip service.

And where the hell is PeNoy? Noynoying? Kalokah!!! hihihi

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