Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Juana Change, Wanna Laugh

Juana Change:  If looks could kill
I've followed the impeachment proceedings at the Senate. And just when I thought that it would be boring, I was darn mistaken. The idiotic prosecution panel never fails to provide comedy relief. From the girly whining voice of Tupas, to the numerous "Wow Mali" moments of Wally Bayola look-a-like, Pidi Barzaga to the childishness of private prosecutors like Atty. Aguirre, I always have a good laugh. So I really don't see the point why there would be a need for a Juana Change to enter the scene. To begin with, I never realy find Juana Change funny, despite her looks and figure that's so typical of a comedienne.

Someone whispered me that the Juana is in a noble crusade. But I wish someone should tell her that her unpalatable looks distract people from the message she wants to get across. You see, even the least noble cause needs a pleasing frontliner to be taken seriously.

Another thing going against Juana and her "noble" quest is the fact that she looks very much like senator-porksecutor Franklin Drilon. Aba, itong si Drilon na ata ang pinaka-balimbing sa lahat ng mga politicians natin.

During Marcos era, Drilon was a senior partner of ACCRA, the famous law firm that supported the dictatorship which was toppled in 1986.

When Aling Coring assumed power, aba ang Drilon, nasa eksena uli. He was secretary of DOLE from 1987 to 1990. It was under his term as labor secretary when the infamous Herrera Law was enacted. Herrera Law instituted labor contractualization in country, thus weakening unionism and the Philippine labor movement.

In 1990, Drilon left the labor department after he was appointed by Aling Coring as justice secretary.

When Ramos assumed the presidency in 1992, he was again named justice secretary. He left the cabinet in 1995 when he ran for senator under Lakas-NUCD.

In 1998, he bolted Lakas-NUCD to join Estrada's LAMMP. Talagang ang masiba laging gustong nasa kusina. hihihi

But when things starting to go wrong for Erap, Drilon was among the first to leave him. As expected, nung maalis si Erap, itong si Drilon ay kasama na naman ng bagong administrasyon.  Ahas talaga.

At nung sunud-sunod na ang kontrobesya sa administrasyon ni President Arroyo, being a rat that he is, Drilon was again, among the first to abandon her. And now, this porcine senator is among PeNoy's closest political ally.

Tingnan mo nga naman, baboy, na ahas at rat pa!  Kalokah!!  hihihi

So everytime I see Juana Change, she instantly reminds me of Drilon. Juana Change could be dead serious in her advocacy, but to me she's just a big joke. A joke I don't think I wanna laugh at.

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