Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Birthday President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

Birthday Girl, President Arroyo
I was super-mega-ultra delighted when I got a text message last night inviting me to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's birthday celebration later this afternoon. Unfortunately, I have a prior appointment that brought me several miles away from Metro Manila so it'll be impossible for me to make it.

As I was thinking for the birthday message for PGMA, I thought of what happened some 1979 years ago. Jesus of Nazarene humbly served, yet was betrayed by one his closest associates, vilified by the public and condemned by the government. He was sentenced to death after mock trial. He died on the cross, yet gloriously resurrected after three days.

President Arroyo served the Philippines the best she could. Her administration has lifted the country from decades of economic slumber. She accommodated political leaders who have expressed unwavering support for her and her programs.

But when Fate played its joke on her, many of those who benefited from her administration betrayed her and joined the uncivilized campaign of demonizing her. Worse, some even allowed themselves to be used by the vengeful PeNoy administration to lead the assault against her.

Charged in court and under detention, most of her political enemies might think that she's politically dead. Unfortunately for them, many still believe in her. It may take more than three days, but I am sure that the Filipinos will be enlightened and PGMA will resurrect politically.

Happy birthday President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo!

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